A Season of Renewal
Spring is a time of transition and renewal. Rituals of clearing winter clutter and making room for growth are associated with the onset of warm weather. De-cluttering has always been one of my favorite mental health exercises.
If you have ever taken the time to go through your files and get rid of all the paperwork you have collected throughout the years, you can relate to what I’m saying.
Clearing emotional and physical clutter gives one a sense of lightness, renewed energy, and enthusiasm.
Where to start? Choose one area of your life at the forefront of your mind. What would you like done?
- Are you fed up with the paper piled on top of your desk? Set a timer for 10-15 minutes, choose a pile, and go through it. Recycle what you can, discard what you don’t want, and do something about the rest. Don’t overthink; go through it.
- Is your filing cabinet overflowing? Don’t look at the whole thing unless you’re ready to put a few hours or days’ worth of work into it. If all you have is 15 minutes, open the first drawer, take out the first three folders, and go through them. Again, recycle, discard, and re-file what needs to stay. Repeat the process the next day.
- Look around your space. Are there items lying around that clutter it? Be merciless. Take a bag and clear the surfaces. Don’t forget to put the bag in the trash.
- Go through your closet. If something doesn’t fit or you don’t like it anymore, get rid of it. Donate, discard, or de-clutter. Make room for the new.
- Look in your refrigerator. What needs to go to the compost pile? Do it the moment you see it. While you’re at it, think of the diet adjustments you want to make for the new season.
- Consider your daily routine. Do you find yourself lingering at the computer, checking your e-mail every half hour, and browsing through the internet without a specific goal or intention? Do the computer and the internet serve as distractions and time-wasters at times?
- Identify your emotional drains. Are there people or situations in your life that make you feel drained and tense? Are you tired of feeling this way? What would you like instead? Is it time to introduce better boundaries or even let go and move on?
This is the season for new beginnings. It’s a time of growth, nurturing, and enjoyment. If you’re looking around and feel that something has got to change, go for it and enjoy the process. It’s truly liberating.