• Saying No and Meaning It!

    I never thought I had a problem saying no until I had kids. Along the way, I realized that my kids were born to not take no for an answer. It looked familiar . . . did they get that one from me? Nah!! It must have been a long-lost relative or something. One could argue that not taking no for an answer is a good thing.  It may even be one of the keys to success. Yet, knowing when to take no for an answer is also a sign of wisdom and respect. Perseverance and stubbornness are two sides of the same coin. One is good, the other foolish! I…

  • Time to Breathe: 3 Daily Habits

    Multi-tasking, for all its hype, is not what it was made out to be. The work-until-you-drop system hasn’t paid off either. What good are you to anyone – including yourself – at the end of a long, non-stop day? You may not be ready for a dramatic change of pace, but what about experimenting with a few simple changes? What if you tried to: May the following words of Leonardo Da Vinci be of inspiration to you. “Every now and then go away,have a little relaxation,for when you come backto your workyour judgment will be surer;since to remain constantly at workwill cause you to lose powerof judgment. . . Go some…

  • Expectations

    Expectations are inevitable. They point the way, help us make choices, pursue our dreams, and recognize when we arrive at our destination. They serve as markers and define us. Of course, not all expectations lead to desirable outcomes. People let us down, life goes in directions other than we had hoped for, projects linger, and fizzle and timelines stretch. It may be that our expectations are unrealistic or that the timing is not right. Life throws a curveball, and we lose our orientation. Disappointment sinks in, and our enthusiasm dwindles. For some people, that’s the call to make adjustments. Being flexible and changing our perspective can help us navigate obstacles. It…

  • A Season of Renewal

    Spring is a time of transition and renewal. Rituals of clearing winter clutter and making room for growth are associated with the onset of warm weather. De-cluttering has always been one of my favorite mental health exercises. If you have ever taken the time to go through your files and get rid of all the paperwork you have collected throughout the years, you can relate to what I’m saying. Clearing emotional and physical clutter gives one a sense of lightness, renewed energy, and enthusiasm. Where to start? Choose one area of your life at the forefront of your mind. What would you like done? This is the season for new beginnings.…

  • Simplify

    Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life lies in eliminating the non-essentials. Chinese Proverb Living in balance is not about having myriad balls in the air and doing all you can to avoid dropping any. That’s not balancing; that’s juggling. It’s like running uphill, hoping your legs won’t give up while running out of breath. To achieve balance, one has to be willing to drop some balls. It requires clarity and the willingness to prioritize the important over the non-essential. To define essential, we need to get to know ourselves. We need to be honest with ourselves…