“When you regain a sense of your life as a journey of discovery, you return to rhythm with yourself.
When you take the time to travel with reverence, a richer life unfolds before you.
Moments of beauty begin to braid your days.“
John O’Donohue – Excerpt from BEAUTY
Alone and in community, we reflect and transform our understanding and perspective,
our ways and responses, and set a new course.
Becoming…slowly…mindfully…with ease.
A year ago, I launched the Monthly Gatherings. I had envisioned creating a safe and comfortable space where women would gather to rest, connect, and listen to their inner voice, needs, desires, and each other…attentively, lovingly, and with care.
I am deeply grateful for the women who joined in month after month, open and honest, wise and utterly supportive. Over the year, our virtual circle of women expanded and became stronger. We have covered some ground, walking at our own pace, inspiring one another, and letting our insights unfold.
In December, we had our end-of-year retreat. It was a rich experience and the perfect way to celebrate our coming full circle.
We are now standing at the threshold of a new cycle, looking ahead. A new beginning awaits for us to unlock its potential. Last year, we explored a different theme every month. This year, I thought it fitting to have an overarching theme for the coming year that will, in turn, inspire our focus for the month.
The word that emerged was Becoming
Slowly – mindfully – and with ease
Becoming our own best friend – more comfortable with our choices and decisions
Becoming stronger – softer – more trusting and unafraid
Open to trying something new – more accepting of our rhythm, pace, and life’s direction
Like last year, we will continue to meet on the first Monday of the month and
Take time to sit quietly and reflect – Draw inspiration from one another, nature, books, and poetry
Be present and listen deeply to ourselves and one another – Honor the seasons of our life
Find purpose and clarity amid change and uncertainty.
Join me as we begin again and
give yourself the gifts of time, reflection, and self-care.
Come as you are. Bring your dilemmas, questions, and challenges.
Prepare by choosing a quiet space with a comfortable chair, a pillow, and whatever helps you feel warm and cozy.
Plan for quiet, uninterrupted time – about 90 minutes.
Make a cup of your favorite tea, and have a glass of water, your journal, a drawing pad, and pencils nearby. Light a candle.
First Monday of the month
7 – 8:30 PM EST via Zoom
$25 per session
Payment accepted via Venmo @Yota-Schneider or PayPal.
If you want to receive invitations and updates on upcoming gatherings, use the form below to sign up.
“How might your life have been different, if, through the years, there had been a place where you could go?
A place of women, away from the ordinary busyness of life…a place of women who knew the cycles of life, the ebb, and flow of nature,
who knew of times of work and times of quiet…who understood your tiredness and need for rest.
A place of women who could help you to accept your fatigue and trust your limitations, and to know,
in the dark of winter, that your energy would return, as surely as the spring.
Women who could help you learn to light a candle and to wait…
How might your life be different? “
– Judith Duerk from Circle of Stones