Life doesn’t always go as planned, no matter how diligent, disciplined, or organized we may be. Things turn out differently than expected; life takes us on detours, and we find ourselves down a path we never imagined or were prepared for.

Are you …

  • Experiencing changes in your relationships, family, or career
  • Working to manifest a new project or
  • Coping with unexpected change and trying to make sense of it all but can’t see the forest for the trees?

Either way, you are at a threshold. You may not know where the path leads or how to chart your course. You may be feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and tired. It is as if you are walking in a fog … looking for signs and inspiration.

You don’t have to do this alone.

I know because I am not a stranger to change and transition. I have been down that road many times. My life has evolved along detours, U-turns, and small miracles. When I had the support I needed, the work became easier, the road ahead became clearer, and I was able to engage my creativity to overcome the challenges that came my way.

How we handle the process is deeply personal. Making difficult choices and letting go of what no longer serves our lives are part of the course.

Sometimes, the dance goes two steps forward, and other times, one step backward. With every step, we learn more about what is important to us and how to stay true to ourselves. Through reflection and mindful action, we eventually arrive at a place of clarity and renewal.

Having arrived at this stage of clarity and renewal, we begin to feel inspired, excited, and ready to plan our way forward.

The following three elements can support our journey during times of change and uncertainty:

  • The willingness to pause and be present with whatever is going on, no matter how challenging it may be,
  • The ability to extend loving kindness and compassion to ourselves and
  • The courage to let go of what does not serve our life anymore.

Endings and new beginnings ask for our presence, self-compassion, and courage.

Take the first step and schedule your initial Clarity session.

During our session, I will ask you a set of questions that will help you identify ways to gain some sense of peace and clarity amid uncertainty and what the best way forward is for you.

Following your session, you may decide to participate in a retreat, join the Circle of Women, or continue with one-on-one coaching. You may choose to sit with the insights gained and see what manifests for you.

Book your Clarity session by using the form below. Sessions are one hour long via Zoom.

Clarity Coaching Session $95

Payment is accepted via Venmo @Yota-Schneider or PayPal.

Schedule Your Appointment



“I worked with Yota at a time in my life when I had a vague sense of what I needed to accomplish but absolutely NO IDEA of how to make it happen. I am very independent, but Yota’s coaching was skillful and just enough at just the right times – with suggestions and creative solutions that were spot-on. Yota is super smart, intuitive, and has a penetrating way about her. Together, we brought order out of chaos, and the result was so much better than I could have ever imagined.” T.K.

“At the beginning, I was skeptical about working with a life coach. As we moved along, I quickly came to understand that what she had to offer me was a gift- a very special one at that. Yota has a way of transcending the mundane, everyday “stuff” and bringing into view what is truly important clearly and concisely. We worked through some very tough personal transition issues, and things became clear for me through seasonal examples. Key concepts were presented in a very easy, non-threatening way and I was able to incorporate strategies that made my daily life a lot more manageable. ” C.L.

“Yota’s straightforward yet empathetic style helps me to determine the “real” issues and address them instead of being caught up in a specific incident. The exercises and meditations that Yota gives aid me in changing my behavior in both mundane and spiritual arenas. These are skills I can call upon whenever I need them. I believe Confucius said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” For guidance in taking that first step and staying on the journey, I highly recommend working with Yota.” J.S., Author