Full Speed Ahead? Not So Fast.

I do love the change of seasons. I even enjoy winter; given a warm coat, a bowl of hot soup, time by the fireplace, and not having to drive on icy roads, that is.
There’s a reason the Seasons of Change model is the foundation of my coaching practice.
Not only is there infinite beauty in each season but they also provide us with the metaphors that can serve as guidance for navigating life’s ups and downs.
Two days ago, I found three ants crawling around my kitchen. “Look,” I called out, “spring is coming!”
Neal looked at me and said, “As you wish.” Of course he’d say that but I knew that what he really meant was . . . “Wishful thinking!“
The ants – I’m sorry to say – didn’t survive long. This is my kitchen. Spring may be coming but it’s not here yet. These ants were way ahead of their time and their little excursion was doomed at the get-go.
Are you feeling antsy these days?
Are you getting impatient and restless and wish you could just burst out and pick up where you left off before this seemingly endless winter took over your life?
Of course you are! It’s been a long, hard winter and we can’t wait to get on with our lives. We crave the warm, sun-filled days of spring and summer.
Do you feel held back and frustrated?
That’s okay too. These are all signs that spring is indeed around the corner. We just have to take care of some loose ends first.
For us in the North East that means clearing our roofs, keeping our driveways and roads clear of snow and ice, and waiting for the big thaw to arrive.
For those of you who live in warmer parts of our world, it maybe a little harder to accept this reality of waiting.
Nonetheless, we must be patient and wait. Life tends to move in cycles and the change of seasons is a wise and thoughtful process. There’s a method to this madness.
Back to tying loose ends.
Try to see this time as an opportunity to take inventory, reflect, brainstorm, and get your ducks in a row.
What needs your attention?
- Are you getting ready to launch a new project? Review and reevaluate your plans one more time.
- Do you have everything you need? Is there anything you’ve overlooked?
- Is there a relationship or an area in your life that needs extra nurturing?
- Are you being asked to take care of your health? Is there a recurring theme in your life that you need to pay attention to?
- What needs to be released?
Take this time to listen to yourself, your instincts, and your deeply held desires.
Spring is coming. We’ll be out and about soon. The time for reflection and introspection will be replaced by activity and the enjoyment of the new season.
I invite you to share your insights and experience with the seasons below.