Happy Thanksgiving!
Whether you are hosting, traveling, or taking a break to care for yourself and your loved ones, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all an enjoyable and heartfelt Thanksgiving.
I hope you can find goodness, gratitude, and grace as you prepare for your Thanksgiving celebration.
May you connect with all that is yours to love, care, and cherish.
May you find comfort in warm memories and create new ones, and may your heart be full as you linger around the Thanksgiving table with your loved ones.
Today, I thought I would share some of my favorite quotes and an excerpt from a poem I wrote about Gratitude.
Anxiety is contagious.
But so is calm.
– Harriet Lerner
Sometimes the art of not
saying things is just as
powerful as the art of
saying the right thing at
the right time. Sometimes
what is needed is witness.– David Whyte
Funny thing gratitude
it lives under the choppy surface of our lives,
and although it is a practice
that can be nurtured,
it often arrives unannounced,
and floods our hearts
as we stand,
unsuspecting and wide-open
amid the little things—
always the little things
that delight us.
– Yota Schneider
With love and gratitude!
Yota S.
I absolutely love the gratitude excerpt–would love to read the whole poem. I hadn’t ever thought of it this way, but gratitude is sneaky!
Yota Schneider
Thank you, Kathleen! I’ll share the poem next time we talk along with a photo of what inspired it. We talk a lot about gratitude but it’s those sneaky moments that arrive unexpectedly and open our hearts. I am grateful for that.