How to Set a Clear Intention During Times of Seasonal and Personal Change
Early spring is messy, isn’t it? Most trees are still bare. It tends to rain a lot, the ground is muddy and soft, and although the temperatures are warming up, it is still cold enough to require coats and heavy sweaters.
Patches of green moss are coming alive, and the daffodils are blooming, but the yard and the flower beds look messy and beat up.
This transition period between endings and new beginnings almost always feels messy and uncertain. Every time we catch a glimpse of what is next, the clouds move over the sun, the wind picks up, and we turn back inside for safety and warmth.
The first day in April is called April Fools’ Day, but there is nothing foolish about the month of hope and new beginnings. There are setbacks, of course. The weather report for this week includes rain and wintry mix. Next week is another story; temperatures will reach the mid-60s.
Early spring is all about false starts and setbacks, but this has never stopped change from happening.
Every year, after a long winter and a stop-and-go early spring, the day invariably comes when everything seems to change overnight.
The trees are covered in young green leaves, the azaleas are in full bloom, the skies are blue, and the day is warm, inviting, and promising of more to follow.
I see this transition time as one last opportunity to look around and take stock of what needs to be cleared and reorganized before moving full speed ahead.
This time is when we can let our imagination and vision guide us. The other day, a friend mentioned that she feels like a volcano of creativity. Ideas keep coming, and she can hardly keep up. At times, she feels overwhelmed. She wants to find a way to capture and manifest her ideas, but she finds it challenging to focus on all of them.
What a great example of how it feels to be in early spring, bursting with dreams and ideas, although the landscape surrounding us may be bare and disorienting.
When ideas start bubbling up while we are still under the spell of winter and lack clarity,
how do we choose our next steps?
Every journey begins with a clear intention, a destination in mind, and a plan for getting there.
You are what your deepest desire is.
As your desire is, so is your intention.
As your intention is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.
Our intention is like a compass. It points the way and holds us steady when the going gets tough. It is a motivating force and a reminder of why we embarked on the journey in the first place.
As you are contemplating projects and ideas for the upcoming season, take a moment to reflect on your intention for the season.
- What areas of your life are ripe for change?
- What do you want to accomplish?
- What do you feel drawn to? What inspires you and gets your imagination going?
- What dilemmas and challenges are you coping with?
- What is your preferred outcome?
Sit quietly for 15-20 minutes to reflect on the questions. If you can’t do that, go for a walk and take these questions with you. Research has shown that even a brief walk outside can improve our mood, increase our energy, and help us reframe our thinking.
When you are ready, put pen to paper, let your thoughts flow, and write down whatever comes up. Read what you wrote and edit until you have a statement that rings true to you.
In the following days, you can revisit your intention and make adjustments. Then, you can use your clear intention to explore and set an action plan for moving forward.
Enjoy the process, and remember there is no right or wrong way to go about it. Stay open to whatever comes up for you.
If you wish to discuss this process or explore clarity coaching, contact me to schedule a time to talk about how I can best support you through this season of change and new beginnings.
As always, thank you for being here and reading along.
I wish you all a great month!
Linda Samuels
Oh! Those beautiful purple pansies and pink ruffle-edged tulips exude hope and possibilities. Even though spring is messy and so darn rainy, what happens after the rain is spectacular. We’ve had days of gray skies and torrential wetness. However, just now, the sun came out, the sky turned blue, and things are greener and blooming more than yesterday. That IS the magic of this season.
I’ve emerged from an incredibly full time. It took some moments to catch my breath. Once I did, I felt pressure to ‘get to’ my next projects and commitments. I asked myself, “Why am I taking on more right now?” and “How am I going to do all of this?”
My why is clear. The things I said ‘yes’ to, I want to do. They hold meaning in many ways. The ‘how’ felt overwhelming until I made my plan. But the plan is only part of it. Without acting on the plan, the overwhelm remains. Today, I planned and took concrete steps forward. I will make the deadlines. But more than that, I reminded myself to enjoy the process. Doing for the sake of doing isn’t valuable. But doing things purposefully, using my creativity, and learning changes everything.
Yota Schneider
Good morning Linda,
Yes, there is magic to the season. Yesterday, it snowed and rained and it was so darn cold. Today, I woke up to blue skies and bright sunlight. The season of growth and possibilities is underway.
Thank you for sharing your process of clarity. Being clear and grounded on the What, Why, and How motivates us to act and once we take that first step, momentum builds and before we know it, we have arrived. Reminding yourself to enjoy the process is an added bonus. I can’t see you doing anything that would not engage your creativity, sense of purpose, and desire to learn something new. That is who you are.
Thank you for being here 💖🌷