Spring Forward

Photo by Nathan Fertig on Unsplash

On Wednesday, March 20 at 7:09 am EST, Spring, the season of rebirth, made her entrance!

There’s still snow on the ground but it’s melting fast. The weather report is warning us of yet another snowstorm coming Monday.

It works like this, as one season gives way to the next; two steps forward, one step backward… dancing the tango and so we go round the seasons.

Saturday morning, I made my usual rounds to the recycling center, post office, and driving the girls to their various activities. It was windy, at times cloudy, then sunny. The sky was a brilliant blue. There were even snowflakes falling, dancing their way down.

When I returned home, I took a bag of potting soil and headed to replant my peace lily. It felt like a good day to replant something. It must be spring!

I washed a clay pot with hot water and soap and filled it halfway with new soil. I took the peace lily off the old pot. The plant had outgrown the pot it came in. The leaves have been looking sad. The root ball was tangled and tight.

I loosened up the roots. I placed the plant in the new pot and spread its roots over the new soil. I filled the pot with new soil and patted it firmly. I watered the plant and off it went back to its place in the dining room. Now, I wait!

In time, the peace lily will adjust to its new home and begin to grow and thrive. Eventually, it will outgrow this pot too.

As I started cleaning up the mess I made, it hit me! We are very much like the peace lily I had just repotted. We go on living but sooner or later we outgrow our space. Eventually, we need to spread our roots in new territory and thrive.

Spring is the season that reminds us that spreading our wings and exploring new pathways is the natural way. It’s the season for moving forward, often slowly yet surely, step by step, following our inner creative impulses.

What needs to take birth and grow in your life this season? What new territories are you ready to explore? Is it time to loosen up the roots and spread out into new and maybe unknown territory?


  • Linda Samuels

    Turning toward the light, leaving the darkness of winter behind. Powerful words my friend. Thank you for that and for all your words of hope and encouragement. Going out soon to enjoy the sun-filled day.

  • Linda Samuels

    I love the poetry of your writing and how you connect your daily observations to the larger part of life. I so identify with what you’ve described here. I’ve been “repotting” a few things myself to get ready for spring. Following a new part of the journey as I get ready to take on something totally new. Many things are getting me ready. Love this time of year more than any other. It’s magical and just calls us to grow and thrive.

    • Yota Schneider

      Thank you for sharing your experience, Linda. Yes, this time of the year is magical. It’s a time of rebirth, creativity, and boundless potentiality. The darkness of winter is behind us and we can turn toward the light once again. Everywhere we look there are signs of this and everything we give our attention to can serve as the messenger. I wish you best of luck with this new chapter of your life. You’ve done great preparing for it and you’re ready to shine! Love to you!

  • Rosa Conti

    Mmm. And yes. With great emotion, I get this, my dear friend.

    For so many years, I tried to ‘force feed’ my evolutions, my seasons of change. I led with my mind, where I thought I needed to go. And in the process, I lost my center, my spirit-direction.

    I really like your post above because it reminds me that in every moment, we are rebirthing. Sometimes I need these reminders – and always, I know, I can count on YOU to give them to me.

    SO much love baby. XO

    • Yota Schneider

      Thank you Rosa! I appreciate your authentic feedback. Yes, when we “force feed” our evolution, we end up back at square one! There is a time for stillness and reflection, a time for inspiration and exploration, and a time for action and moving forward with confidence and enthusiasm. It seems that you’ve experienced the stages along the way and were present enough to recognize the signs and surrender to the wisdom of the process.
      Much love to you as well.

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