The Season for Clearing and Making Room for Growth

Happy February,

I hope the new month unfolds in ways that support and inspire you as you move forward, creating your vision for the new year.

This time of the year usually moves slowly for me. It is winter, after all, a time to slow down and linger, reflect, ask questions, and gain clarity before moving forward with what the new year asks of me.

There are loss anniversaries to cope with, but there are also new beginnings to honor and celebrate.

February is a landmark month for me. I was born in February. Thirty-nine years ago, I left Greece to move to the US, and in a few weeks, Neal and I will be celebrating our 39th wedding anniversary. I have now lived here longer than in the country I was born in.

To say that February always sends me “packing and unpacking” would be an understatement.
This is the month of cleaning the house and deciding what comes with me and what stays behind as I move on. Memories, feelings, relationships, habits, beliefs, ideas … I never quite know what will insist on being “seen,” re-examined, and sorted out before I can see glimpses of things to come and feel my creative juices flowing.

Winter marks a sort of homecoming, to begin with. The cold weather forces us to be homebound and less active than usual, an invitation to come home to ourselves and be with our thoughts, memories, and reflections.

It is out of this time of quietude and reflection that possibilities begin to emerge. Hidden in the dark, away from the harsh light of summer, ideas begin to reach for our attention. In the darkness of winter, our imagination can take flight, and we begin to entertain possibilities in the safety of our minds. Soon, the time will arrive when we feel ready for action.

Going with the flow of the season is not the easiest thing. As soon as the holiday season comes to a close the push to set our New Year’s resolutions begins in earnest. The trend of non-stop doing never stops.

It takes self-awareness and commitment to recognize and honor our personal needs along the way.

Depending on our stage of life, slowing down can be a challenge. Often, we have to find creative ways to gift ourselves small breaks from never-ending activities. Allowing time to be still and present with whatever is coming up, be it pleasant or challenging, is an important “housekeeping” activity for our minds and hearts.

The other day, I came across the following story that reminded me of how important it is to create space for something new to enter our lives.

In the Buddhist tradition, a story is told about a student seeking wisdom from a wise old monk. His questions tumble out so fast the monk barely has time to answer before he fires off another one, and the monk finally stops answering. Eventually, the monk asks the student to pour him a cup of tea. “I will tell you when to stop.”

The earnest young student begins to pour, and the cup starts to overflow. Still, the monk says nothing. Exasperated the student cries, “Can’t you see the cup is full? It will not hold anymore!”

“And so it is with you,” the teacher tells him. “Your mind is full of too many things. Only when it is empty will there be more room for knowledge to come in.”

How often do we get caught up in trying to build momentum without first clearing out what is old, overgrown, and no longer needed?

And now, it’s your turn.

  • How have you been feeling this season?
  • Is there anything that keeps showing up, demanding your attention?
  • What rituals do you depend on to support and comfort you?
  • What do you need to clear out to make room for growth?

If there is anything you are struggling with and would like to gain more clarity, reach out and schedule your clarity session with me.

If you find comfort in the company of like-minded women, check out the monthly gatherings.

As always, thank you for being here and reading along.

Have a warm and cozy month.



  • Linda Samuels

    39 years since you left Greece and soon will be celebrating your 39th anniversary. You’ve built a beautiful life with Neal and your daughters. And while change was in the air 39 years ago, I know this also feels like a time of change as things shift within and around you. Your resilience and your reflection, knowing skills are core to who you are.

    In many ways, February, which is also your birthday month, seems to be YOUR month. You have the patience and quiet to explore what will be next, without pressure to figure it out immediately.

    For me, January whooshed by. And with February being a shorter month, I think it’s going to pass quickly too. I was just getting used to the cold and gray of winter. But just the other day, when I walked outside, I got a whiff of spring and some birds were singing. Soon the landscape will thaw and the color will return. Heavy coats and gloves will no longer be needed. Lighter days are ahead

    For now, I’m happy to be in winter mode. Lots is going on. It feels a bit like a whirlwind. So I’m hanging on for the ride and will exhale soon.

    Happy (almost) birthday, dear friend! I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

    • Yota Schneider

      I can feel spring approaching too, Linda. It’s early but it’s unmistakable. The daffodils have popped up already, the birds are being active and there is a certain smell in the air that feels warmer than usual. I have started feeling the call to be outside again. Soon, real soon.

      Thank you for the birthday wishes and the kind words. 💖 Yes, February is my month. It may have been 39 years since the flight to the US but I still feel the effects of the anniversary. I relive that journey every single year and every year, right around my birthday, I feel new beginnings calling to me, and I begin to come energized.

      Seems to me new beginnings are calling to you too. I can’t wait to see what you put in motion. Wishing you all the best as always 💖

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